Leases for the nine-month academic year run from September through May.
Projected Rent: $500/mo.
Onsite parking (pending availability) is available for residents at $50/mo.
Phid also sublets rooms over the summer for $500/month. Please reach out to the Phid Board at phidboard@umich.edu for more information.

Phid is centrally located less than a block from the law school and a quick walk, jog or scoot from most downtown Ann Arbor restaurants, coffee shops, drug stores and bars.
Walking Distance to:
Downtown Ann Arbor ~ 10 min
Blake Transit Center ~ 10 min
S. University Area ~ 10 min
IM Sports Building ~ 10 min
The Big House ~ 15 min
Zingerman's ~ 20 min
Nichols Arboretum ~ 25 min
Bedrooms are private and come furnished with a twin, full or queen bed, a dresser, and a desk.
Additional furnishings, including chairs, tables, additional shelves and lamps, are available for resident use and storage in the attic. You are welcome to bring your own furniture and store any extraneous furniture in the attic.

Communal Spaces
Bathrooms, the kitchen, tv lounge, laundry room and first floor living spaces are communal spaces. There is one shared women's bathroom, one shared men's bathroom and one all-gender single bathroom.
The kitchen is equipped with an industrial-sized stove, large industrial fridges and freezers. Each person is assigned one fridge shelf, two pantry shelves and one freezer shelf. Spices, baking products, cleaning products and pots and pans are communal.
Chores &
Residents are expected to clean up after themselves, including washing their own dishes. Each resident will be assigned a weekly chore (cleaning bathrooms, sweeping communal spaces, cleaning up the yard, etc.). In addition, residents will be assigned kitchen duty on a rotating basis (running dishes through sanitizer, sweeping and mopping, taking out the trash, etc.).

House Events
Each semester, Phid puts on one House Dinner for residents and one themed party for the entire law school. Previous party themes have included: Space Phorce, 80s Phidness and Phlower Power.
In addition, residents often organize formal and informal house events such as game nights, movie nights, Bachelor watch parties, Phid Cooking Club and much more.